


SKU: N/A Category:


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Why buy from us? Well there’s the wrong way, then there’s SafestCheats way:

💎 Enable Aimbot (F1)
💎 Draw FOV (with color picker)
💎 Visibility Check
💎 Ignore invisible Skill
💎 Smoothing (F3/F4) (slider)
💎 Aim FOV Size (slider)
💎 Aim Bone (dropdown with options: Head, Neck, Chest)
💎 Aimbot Bind (dropdown with multiple key options)
💎 Second Aimbot Bind (dropdown with multiple key options)
💎 Second Smoothing (F3/F4) (slider)
💎 Second Aimbot Bind (with dropdown for second key)

📌 Enable Visuals (F2)
📌 Box (with color picker for visible and invisible settings)
📌 Corner Box (with color picker for visible and invisible settings)
📌 Box Fill
📌 Distance (with color picker)
📌 Skeleton (with color picker for visible and invisible settings)
📌 Name (with color picker)
📌 Health Bar (Left,Bottom,Right)
📌 Shield Bar (Left,Bottom,Right)
📌 Radar

Visuals Settings
💜 Player Overall Distance (slider)
💜 Box Fill Opacity (slider)
💜 Radar Opacity (slider)
💜 Radar Range (slider)
💜 Radar Size (slider)

🗂️ Save Config
🗂️ Load Config

✅ Windows 10: All Versions/Winvers
✅ Windows 11: All Versions/Winvers (including the latest 23H2 & 24H2)
✅ AMD and Intel CPUs

Project Specifications
💫 Internal Build

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